Thursday, June 23, 2011

Almost and a Hair Tip

Are you sick of my blogs about my beach vacation yet?

Just a little over an hour and I'm officially on vacation. 

1st stop - mani/pedi!  Woot!  Woot!

Also, I have a hair tip for anyone that wants a little curl/wave and an easy way to wear your hair that buys you two days (or a day and an evening out).  It's not my tip, it's my awesome hair dressers...anywhooooo...
After washing, apply a heavier conditioner or reconstructor and dry partially.  When your hair is still a little wet (looks best parted down the middle in my opinion) twist or roll your hair towards your head, starting at the top of your head, working your way to your neck, along the side of your head, doing one side at a time.  Tie with bobby pins as you go (open the pin and insert towards your hair, they stay put much better).  I only twisting to the base of my head/neck and then I tied my remaining hair in a knot at the base of my head, a little to the side and then tied up with more pins.  It was such an easy way to wear my hair, even for work, and it gives your hair a break from the hair dryer and gives more time for your conditioner/reconstructor to penetrate your hair.

So I wore it like that from about 6:30 am yesterday until about 10:00 pm, when I took it out it was super curly and wavy, very beachy.

So easy.  I will be doing that again.

Hubby said I looked like Princess Leia (fyi hubs I didn't have two buns coming out of my ears :)), I'm not sure that was a compliment, but I liked it :)

Have a great weekend!  Talk to you all soon...or maybe later :)


Natalie said...

So jealous of your vacay! Have fun and sounds like a fun way to do your hair!

Katy said...

Sounds like a cute hair tip. I'll have to try it!!

Have a wonderful vacation. Tons of jealousy here! ;)

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

This sounds like such a fun hairstyle! I definitely struggle with my hair during the summer - must try this out!