Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless (Almost) Wednesday - The Sickies

Hi Lovelies,

Thanks for all the nice comments on Monday's post and on Twitter.  Made me feel better.  You guys are sweet.

Anywho - quick update...the girl is doing much better, but Monday night did not get better than Monday day.  Her temp skyrocketed to 105 right before bed time!!! Yikes.  Holy nervous new mom!  Anyway we had one hour to get her down to 102 per our doctor (well technically a nurse at his exchange, who was great by the way) or it was off to the ER for us.  Luckily we got it down and it continued to drop and by after nap time yesterday her temperature was back to normal.  I had a nice, relaxing cuddle filled day with my girl yesterday.  I'm sure all she needed was her Momma :)

Here's a pic from our cuddlefest yesterday.  I heart her.  A lot.

Have a lovely day!


Hanna said...

Hi there It's Hanna from Bouffe e Bambini! I just wanted to come by and say a big heart felt thank you for your kind comments on my guest post!! It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry your little angel is sick. That is the absolute WORST!! XOXOXO Hanna

Amanda T said...

Awe, so sorry shes sick. Glad shes doing better though.