This week I'm saying SO WHAT if:
- I'm overwhelmed with all the holiday bargains, but my kids don't need any more toys and Mia just had a birthday and I don't know what to get them for Christmas and waaaahhhh...not real problems.
- There are nights where if it weren't for my glass of wine I'd go completely bat shit crazy. Honesty folks.
- Once cold weather strikes I'm never on time for work, but I'm here so let's do this...
- I went crazy at Old Navy over the weekend (who can help it when the entire store was 30% off) and put Marlow in one of her new outfits that was almost too tight to get on. At 6-12 months. Not ok.
- I can't decide where to buy my fall boots. I've been looking and searching and I just don't know what I want and I refuse to pay more than $40. I do this every year and by the time I decide there is nothing left in my massive foot size.
- I bought more Scentsy bars last week. I don't need them, but I'm a sucker for a school fundraiser and holiday smells...Christmas Cottage anyone...on my second bar of that goodness.
- I'm still way hormonal...I would think by now that post-partum business would have passed, but I've cried about three times in the past week...on Mia's birthday, yesterday when I realized Marlow is 8 months old and she's our last baby and it makes me sad and I don't want to get rid of the baby things (is it ok if I just keep the lamby swing in my house forever) and she's growing too fast and then I cried last night while watching Michael J. Fox on Letterman. I watched my Grandpa struggle through his battle with Parkinson's that eventually took his life several years ago and it made me happy and sad for Michael's gracious spirit and all that he is doing for research.
- I will admit each and every day that children are exhausting. They are lovely and I wouldn't change them for the world, but they are exhausting. One night last week, after we got through our bed routine with Mia, she started crying. I asked her why she was sad, she said she didn't want to get bigger, she wanted to stay little forever. Que broken Mom heart and more tears...
Happy Hump Day!
I feel the same way about the toys, we have SO many already and not only do we have Xmas coming up but Hunters bday is 5 days after that.
Stopping by from SWW!
Our lives so eerily similar!!
Happy Wednesday!
-Sami @
Hey there! I'm stopping in by way of today's blog and I totally feel you on the wine and Old Navy! Also, kids are exhausting but aren't they such a blessing!?!?
Happy Holidays Love!
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