Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

1. Memorial Day is in another week and I don't have a swimsuit.  We're going to the lake with some friends.  I have a bikini, but I'm not sure I'm there yet.  Bought a one piece a few weeks ago, but ended up taking it back.

2. I travel to Atlanta Sunday and Monday for work.  Traveling with my least favorite co-worker.  She's a one upper regarding every aspect of life and it drives me batty and it makes me what to stab pencils into my ears.  But it's a vendor trip, so there's alcohol and food involved, so I think I'll survive.

3. I got a mani/pedi yesterday on Mother's Day.  Went with the shellac mani and a funky polka dotted pedi.  The nail polish on my toes has already chipped.  Say wha?  You know if I painted them myself it would last  at least 3 weeks.  Tempted to go back and have them repaint my toe.

4. This was the first year Mia told me "Happy Mother's Day" and I about peed my pants when she said it.  With her sweet little voice it may have been one of the cutest things ever.  "Happy Mother's Day Momma."

5. Holidays are hard.  I try not to have a pity party with each and every one, but by the end of the day I always feel sorry for myself.  So was the case yesterday.  I went to my parents and the Hubs went to his.  I wouldn't say that I "like" his Mom a whole lot.  If you haven't been following, she said some not so nice things about my family last year and since then I stopped trying to act like she liked me and I like her.  She's hurtful and I don't have time for those people anymore.  There was a card for me, from her, on the island when I got home last night.  I didn't open it and I'm not sure I will.  So with each and every holiday, whether large or small, we (me, Mia, Hubs) always spend a portion of the day apart and I effing hate it!  At least for Mother's Day I had Mia the whole day.  I understand that my Hubs wants to see his family, but I hate that that means time away from each other.  I'm always Grumpy Gus by the end of the day and I need to get over it, for the sake of Mia.

6. I love Lifesavers Spearmints.  I always have them in my office.

7. If I don't finish The Hunger Games pretty soon I may die.  I want to, I want to, but little time. My goal is to finish it this week so I can start 50 Shades Sunday on the plane.

8. Our weather lately has been amazing.  I'm sure by writing this it will rain for the next 2 days.

9.  I'm struggling keeping up with my "Mom" duties lately.  I kinda suck actually, but due to #8 we've been outside a ton.  I'm so behind on laundry it's ridiculous.  But does that really matter?  I used to think it did.

10.  I want my deck back.  We're in the process of rebuilding/enlarging it.  I didn't realize I would miss it so much.


SEL said...

What a bummer to have to spend some time apart on holidays. I'd be a grumpy Gus too. :(

I love that Mia actually said happy mothers day! I had M say each individual word to me after I repeated each one. It worked. ;) And, my heart melted. Ha!

I finished the Hunger Games quickly because it's an easy read. But also because I have 47395947262 other books to read that are just sitting around. I just started 50 shades the other day. Umm, interesting stuff. ;)

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

We will be at the lake for Memorial Day too!!

I mentioned the color run to the hub since it falls on the weekend of his 30th bday. I tried to talk up a bday weekend in STL but he gave it the big fat veto. I also forgot my inlaws will be in town because of Jamie's Birthday the weekend before. Boo. Looks like I have to bail on my THIRD Color Run!