Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Time Is It?

It's not even 10:00 am and I feel like I have been up for an entire day. My day started with a 7:00 am breakfast meeting which meant I had to be out the door no later than 6:15 am. Not only did I have to be out the door, but it's was a networking/forecast function which means a lot of people were there which means Melissa has to step it up a bit in the hair and clothes department for the day. I curled my hair and everything!!! :) I'm feeling pretty good right now. I've had two cups of coffee, a glass of apple juice and now I'm working on a Diet Pepsi. I'm pretty sure this will be me once I have my afternoon crash. Luckily I have a venue tour for a Committee I am on, so I get to head out at 1:30 today and have an active, out of the office afternoon. Otherwise, I'm not sure I would make it. It's only Wednesday too. Phew...this week is wearing me out! And next week I have lunch meetings three of the five days (at this time, hopefully nothing more gets added to that). Did I mention it was 5 below this morning and we are supposed to have a whopping high of 20 today? Awesome. Positive news though on the weather front - it's supposed to be near 50 on Sunday! Yippee!!

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