Monday, February 6, 2012

This Weekend I Learned...

that it's not always necessary to plan out what I will be doing during nap time.  I'm notorious for having a project or cleaning or something every single time I am home and I put Mia down for her nap.  With my schedule, I have limited time for the normal day to day "stuff."  I just fit it in when I can during the week and on the weekends I just go to town with laundry and cleaning.

I try to make it a point to relax or watch something crappy on TV; I try to look away from the insanely messy playroom in the middle of the day.  I attempt to not be distracted by all that I think needs to be done during that time.  But no matter what, I work and work from the beginning to the end of that nap time.  Almost always.

I'm trying to be better about taking care of me.  Last week was a rough one on me physically and emotionally, but I'm kinda sorta glad it happened.  I needed a reminder that life moves pretty fast and if I don't slow down, I will regret it.

We had a busy weekend and by Sunday we were all feeling it.  So at naptime, the Hubs and I too decided to attempt some shut eye before showering and heading out to a Super Bowl party.  As we both laid down in the family room, the thumps from upstairs were indicating that someone was not sleeping.  So, I went and paid my little girl a visit.  She immediately told me that she was playing hide and seek as I walked in and saw her behind her curtains.  As I explained to her how much she needs her rest and how important it was for her to sleep (ahem, someone should be listening to their own advice ya think?), she gave me the puppy dog look and the "I'm not sweepy" response.  I just looked at that face.  That adorably cute, just can't get enough of face.  Those big blue eyes.  Those squishy cheeks.  That blonde hair.

I picked her up, laid her down and snuggled right in next to her.  Within minutes she was asleep and she could not have been any closer to me.  Her toes were tucked in between my legs and her forehead rested on mine.

It was a simple reminder that we need to embrace this time and these kinds of moments because we'll never, ever get them back.


SEL said...

What a sweet post. And great reminder!

I hope you got some rest as well!

Lauren said...

So SO very true! It's the little things in life that really are the big things! Sweet post!

Natalie said...

Awww that is so sweet! I wish my boy would cuddle and nap with me...but if he's out of the crib he's on the run. Glad you all got some rest! :)

Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

Love this post - I tell myself this all the time, but it's hard to remember when you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Thanks for reminding me :)