Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So What Wednesday

I'm doing a linky link once again today with the hilarious and always keepin-it-real, Shannon over at Life After I Dew.

This week I'm saying So What if:

  • I'm blogging at work on a half day.  I'm having focus problems.  I blame the Cards game and the baby in my belly.
  • All I will do is talk, text, tweet and IG about the Cardinals.  If you've even been paying a little bit of attention, you will know I'm a die hard Cards fan and the postseason is serious.  
  • I shopped yesterday for myself.  Finally.  I'm running out of clothes that actually fit.  Then?  I immediately had buy stuff for myself guilt.  
  • We put up a fly trap in our kitchen last night, like the kind you see on Hoarders, you know, the roll of sticky stuff.  Straight up hoosier, but whatever it takes.  We have a BBQ Saturday and we have to get rid of the fruit flies.  This morning, there were about 10 on there.  Ew, but yay!!!
  • Mia still has 18-24 month pants hanging in her closet.  She doesn't wear them, obviously, but she has so many clothes and she won't stop growing so fast and I just can't keep up.
  • Mia doesn't get baths as much as she used to.  These days it's shower with Mom.  It's so much faster.
  • I still haven't signed Mia up for gymnastics or dance.  My goal is to pick one by her birthday.  That is in THREE weeks.
Happy Hump Day and GO CARDS!


Lindsey said...

Put a bowl out and pour apple cider vinegar in the bowl and a drop of dish soap. You will see 50 in there my morning.. promise. Even our bug man suggested it!

Shannon said...

Hunter has a ton of clothes in his drawers and closet that no longer fit him. He grows too damn fast to keep up.

Have fun at the game!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Oh my god. The fruit fly gnats at my house are AWFUL! I didn't even think about one of those strips. We can be WT together! At least we'll be bug free!

Enjoy the game!