Thursday, June 21, 2012

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Time with my girl.

Time with my other girl.

Time outside with new shades and guitar bubbles from VBS.

Heading to the grocery in purple socks and red sparkly shoes.

Wearing Momma's shades because if I say no she will quickly remind me that we share in this house.

A whole bag of Haribo gummies all to myself.

Swimming lessons with Mia's BFF.

A man and his dog (why so fuzzy, no bueno).
It was just these two before Momma moved in (in sin, gasp).

Time to myself on a Sunday, curled up with a blanket, my Haribos and  the Real Housewives during naptime.

Seeing old pictures and reminiscing.
This is Mia and Kaelyn at their first swimming lessons together two summers ago.

Have a good weekend! I'm off tomorrow and will be busy playing at the zoo with Lindsey and Gina and their adorable boys!  Mia and the boys, should make for some great Instagraming tomorrow (melissaw13).


{annie_loo} @ The Farrar Four said...

Love these pictures!!!!

They are so cute! She's adorable in those purple sunnies!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Those tutu swimsuits are seriously adorable!!