Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finally, It's Happened To Me

This past two mornings I have been lucky enough to see Mia before heading into work. I have had meetings and have been able to leave the house a little later than normal. On your normal, average, every day, I leave before Mia and Hubby are both even up. This has made my past two mornings and it really makes me think back on the time when Mia was eating every 4-6 hours and I would have to feed her before leaving for work. It seems so long ago that I would have to get up an extra 30 minutes early to be sure I had enough time to feed her and get myself out the door on the time. It was part of the working mommy balance that I am just starting to feel like I have figured out. Fast forward and now she is days shy of turning 17 months and still sleeping 12 hours+ a night. I no longer have to feed her before I leave. She now gets up with Daddy and he takes care of the morning routine.
Well...getting to the point finally....she has really been into what I have been doing these past two mornings in the bathroom. She has be watching me very intensely while I've been putting on my make-up, drying my hair, curling my hair, trying to figure out just what the heck I am doing to myself.
Now I have tried this once before and they only lasted about 0.8 seconds before she ripped them out. This morning however posed a better opportunity to try it again. So I propped her up on the sink and went to town.
And this is how it turned out (mind you this is from my phone and it's really difficult to get her to stop moving ever for a picture):
Cute huh? You should have seen her checking herself out in the mirror when I was done. She definitely knows who's #1 in our house.
Oh and PS - I checked in with Hubby, who has her all day today, and as of 11:51 am, they were still in tact. Yay! I've been looking forward to the pig tail period and it finally appears that it has happened to me.


Alicia said...

Aww... she is such a little DARLING! I am such a fan of pigtails and think they are just the cutest things on little girls. Sometimes when I'm cleaning my house, I still put pigtails in my hair!

Melissa at Tall Blonde Blog said...

I still rock the piggies too! Love to do it with a hat :)

d.a.r. said...

So so so so cute!!!